AdelFi's 2025 Virtual Annual Meeting
Tuesday, April 22, 2025
Our annual meeting will be held virtually to ensure maximum participation among our nationwide membership. AdelFi's Virtual 2025 Annual Meeting will focus on performance in the past year and key areas of focus for 2025. The Board Nominating Committee has nominated members to fill the vacancies on the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee. Additional nominees for the Board or Supervisory Committee can be made by petition.
Notice of Elections
The Nominating Committee has nominated the following for the open positions:
There will be four positions open for the Board of Directors: 3-year term
There will be one position open for the Supervisory Committee: 3-year term
List of Nominees:
Board of Directors: John Bastian
Service: Mr. Bastian has been serving on Adelfi’s board since April 2022.
Career/Ministries: Mr. Bastian serves as the CFO of Youth for Christ International (YFC). He has been with the organization for 20 years. He oversees the finance and operations of the YFC International office near Denver, CO. In this role, Mr. Bastian is also able to travel to visit and encourage YFC work that is happening all over the globe. He has been to over 50 different countries to see the work that God is doing through YFC and other partner organizations. Previous to YFC, he worked as a stockbroker for Charles Schwab & Co. for six years. Mr. Bastian earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Systems / Finance from Taylor University in Upland, IN.
Mr. Bastian is honored to serve the members and organizations that trust Adelfi with their finances.
Personal: Mr. Bastian and his wife, Kelly have been married for over 25 years and they have four children. They live in Parker, Colorado. The family enjoys when they can get time together in the Colorado outdoors. John is an avid trail runner and triathlete.
Board of Directors: Graham Crain
Service: Mr. Crain began serving on ECCU’s Board of Directors in 2018.
Career/Ministries: Mr. Crain is a principal and managing partner at Crain Company, a multi-family and commercial real estate leader in Central Kansas. He is primarily responsible for overseeing CrainCo’s multi-family real estate acquisition and development, investor and lender relations, and overall company growth. Prior to CrainCo, Mr. Crain worked in administration in higher education.
Education: Mr. Crain earned his Bachelor of Science from Eastern Nazarene College, where he was involved with Athletes in Action Baseball. He also holds a master’s degree from Kansas State University.
Mr. Crain is highly involved in his community. He is the past president for the Young Professionals of McPherson and is a graduate of the 2013 Class of Leadership McPherson. He and his family reside in Wichita, KS.
Board of Directors: Hal Hoxie
Career: On August 2, 2018, Hal Hoxie was appointed as Butterfield Memorial Foundation’s (BMF) 3rd president.
Hoxie comes to the Foundation most recently from Central Christian College in McPherson, Kansas where he has served as President since 2010. Under his leadership, the College started ab online division which has facilitated enrollment growth to over 1,000 students along with the implementation of the College Work Program (CWP), which has had the dual effect of reducing operational costs and allowing students to work while attending college with little to no debt. Hoxie also initiated several small auxiliary businesses that provided job opportunities for students.
Before stepping into the role of college president, Hal spent his career in the United States Air Force. Retiring as a Colonel, he most recently served as the Division Chief, in the Office of Legislative Liaison, stationed at the Pentagon in Washington D.C.
Personal: An accomplished athlete, Hoxie holds national coaching certifications in baseball, basketball, soccer and sports training. He coached club and high school soccer for 15 years, basketball for 4 years and baseball for 2 years. President Hoxie is an active public speaker, a member of the Rotary, and a board member for the National Christian College Athletic Association. Hal and his wife, Kathy, who is also a graduate of Central Christian College, have four adult married sons, and twelve grandchildren.
Supervisory Committee: Lindy Thomas
Service: Lindy Thomas was elected to the Supervisory Committee in 2020.
Career: Lindy is the co-founder/co-owner of Mesa Network, located in Orange County, California, where she manages the accounting and finance branch for clients across the United States, and abroad. Lindy has over 20 years of experience in Accounting & Finance, focusing primarily on the non-profit sector.
Education: Lindy holds a BA in Social Sciences from Bethany University in Scotts Valley, CA.
The qualifications for Board Members of AdelFi are as follows:
- Board Member must be a member of the Credit Union
- No member of the Board of Directors can be an employee of the Credit Union or serve as a member of the Supervisory Committee.
Nominations can be presented to the Board Development Nominating Committee through the nomination process explained in the bylaws and the prior notice of elections. See below.
AdelFi's 2025 Annual Meeting Notice of Elections
Pursuant to Article V, Section 2 of our bylaws, notice is hereby given that nominations for the Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee for the 2025 Annual Meeting election of officers may be made by petition to the Nominating Committee. Such petitions must be signed by at least 100 members qualified to vote at the Annual Meeting within 11 months prior to the Annual Meeting. The date of the Annual Meeting is set for April 22, 2025. Petitions must be delivered to the Board of Directors of the credit union no later than midnight, March 3, 2025. The Nominating Committee appointed by the Board of Directors may also make nominations.
There will be four positions open for the Board of Directors: 3-year term
There will be one position open for the Supervisory Committee: 3-year term
December 3, 2024 by AdelFi