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Phishing Scam Alert: Beware of Fake Text Messages

We’ve been alerted to a phishing scam where members receive texts asking them to verify fake transactions. AdelFi will never request sensitive information via text. If you get a suspicious message, do not respond or click links. Stay vigilant!

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Vote by Proxy

Your vote matters!

A voting proxy (“Proxy”) is a written authorization signed by a member appointing a designated person or persons to vote on that member’s behalf when the member is not able to vote. Each member of AdelFi generally has one (1) vote in connection with matters presented at elections and annual or special meetings. The words “you,” your,” and “yourself” when used in this Proxy mean an individual or business entity or ministry member of AdelFi. Signing a Proxy allows a person appointed by you to exercise your voting right, however, when you are present in person at a meeting, you may elect to vote yourself. The Proxy assures that your vote will be counted at all meetings and elections.

To appoint the Nominating Committee of the AdelFi Board of Directors to serve as your Proxy and to vote on your behalf (in an individual and representative capacity) on all matters presented to members except as prohibited by law, please complete, sign, and date the Proxy form below and email it to If submitting on behalf of a business entity member or ministry, please include documentation affirming your authority as Corporate Officer to sign on behalf of the entity. Signing a Proxy is not a condition of AdelFi membership.

Your Proxy will be valid for three (3) years from the date signed and is revocable at any time. The nature of each matter or group of related matters on which the enclosed Proxy may be voted by the proxy holders is:

  • Election of Directors;
  • Election of Supervisory Committee Members;
  • Amendment of the AdelFi Articles and Bylaws to the extent permitted by law;
  • Removal of Directors;
  • Filling of vacancies on the Board of Directors;
  • Approving transactions under California Corporations Code Section 7233 where a Director has a financial interest;
  • Sales, leases, conveyances, exchanges, transfers, or other disposal of all or substantially all of the Credit Union’s assets under California Corporations Code Section 7911(a)(2);
  • Mergers and, in some cases, the terms of the Merger Agreement under California Corporations Code Section 8015(a);
  • Voluntary dissolution of the Credit Union under California Corporations Code Section 8610;
  • A plan for liquidation of assets that are not otherwise governed by liquidation rights under California Corporations Code Section 8719(a); and/or
  • Other matters properly presented at elections, annual meetings, or special meetings of members to the extent permitted by law.

Download and complete the AdelFi Vote by Proxy Form. Once completed and signed, email to

Vote By Proxy FAQs

What is a Proxy statement

AdelFi members may vote on a wide range of issues and proposals, plus vote for candidates to serve on our Board of Directors and other special committees. A Proxy statement appoints another party to vote for you at such meetings.

Why should I sign a Proxy statement

Not all AdelFi members may be able to attend our Annual Meeting or other special meetings, yet wish their vote to be counted.

Who votes as my Proxy if I sigh the Proxy statement?

This Proxy statement appoints the Nominating Committee of the AdelFi Board of Directors as your Proxy.

Do I have control over how my Proxy votes?

No; however, the Proxy is expected to vote in the overall best interest of AdelFi members.

Can I revoke my Proxy statement?

Yes. You can revoke your Proxy statement at any time in writing. If you do not revoke your Proxy statement, it is valid for three (3) years from the date you sign it. Attendance at a meeting will override a proxy on file for that meeting.

Do I need to sign a Proxy statement?

No. Signing a Proxy statement is not a requirement of AdelFi members.

Who can sign on behalf of my ministry or business?

Only a corporate officer can enact the Proxy on behalf of your ministry or business. If submitting on behalf of a business entity member or ministry, please include documentation affirming your authority as Corporate Officer to sign on behalf of the entity.